Interface for Scope to send shipment detail and milestone data (including updates) to involved customer, shipper, consignee or notify of the shipment.
For more details see
Standard document header with information about the message, sender, recipient, message-Id and message-Contact
The shipment Element contains information about shipment details as references, locations, dates, service, parties, transport-legs, pieces and weights
The invoice elements provides information about raised invoices to the message recipient including voucher types and invoiced charges
The attachment element provides selected documents (base64-coded) of selected types of the shipment. (currently not supported)
The milestone element contains information about all milestones/events of the shipment including location, scheduled time and actual time.
The activation of this interface requires an EDI-Profile setup in Scope, see the obove mentioned knowledge base article for more information. Implementation also requires set-up of physical data communication channels to the recipient by Riege Software.