Riege SoftwareTechnical description xml-warehouse

Scope Warehouse Interface


Interface for Scope to provide shipment data to a warehouse management system.

For more details see https://service.riege.com/en/knowledge/wms-interface-for-shipment-data.

Message format details


Scopes sends a shipment data XML message according to the schema below. The warehouse XML interface is triggered to each external partner (i.e. not a Scope branch) named in this EDI profile (Export Warehouse, Import Warehouse, Trucker of a Transport Order) and ‘participating’ in the shipment and being set up.

Schema definition

The schema definition of the message format can be found at the following link:

The schema definitions are also available via dtd.riege.com following the above version name scheme, e.g. version 5.0 available under https://dtd.riege.com/scope/warehouse/scope_warehouse-5.0.xsd.
